Heutagogy is a transformational method of teaching which takes a learner on an intense journey of self-Discovery. The concept fosters, Self- determined and self-paced learning which is independent of formal teaching. It promotes lifelong learning to prepare students for new-age demands.
To develop a holistic understanding of wide-ranging ultramodern topics has become a herculean task for 21st-century learners. Every day there are breakthroughs in different disciplines and discoveries resulting in complicating our worldview evermore.
Here are 3 ways to improvise your learning process . These strategies will increase your capability to grasp more knowledge in less time.
A] Strategize how you use your devices
Recently, Nandan Nilekani , Co-founder and Non-executive Chairman of Infosys spoke on technological transformation in reference to his book, ‘’ The art of Bitfulness: keeping calm in the digital world’’. He gives insights into how he has simplified his learning process by allocating modes to his devices. Those modes are as follows:
1. Laptop – for work and research to stay focussed without distractions.
2. Ipad – for reading, curating content and watching documentaries and shows.
3. Mobile –for communicating- calling and messaging.
This way of giving modes to devices keeps you focussed on the task at hand, be it working or watching.
B] Create Mental Models
Mental Models are simple representations of ‘’how things work’’. It helps you connect dots between disciplines and create a comprehensive and holistic worldview. Warren Buffet and Charlie Munger, two very close business partners and billionaires, often talk about the significance of simple Mental Models to understand the dynamic world. Eventually to become a better decision-maker. Mental Models help you think better. The quality of your mental models will define your level of understanding. It is a toolbox for simple thinking.
How to develop Core Mental Models?
You begin by mapping the subject of your interest. It can be a timeline or scope of the subject. It is hard to remember isolated facts, therefore, begin with basics. Beware and do not shy away from picking school-level books to develop the foundational knowledge required to understand the bigger picture. All of us have blind spots. We need to target them to increase our circle of competence.
Start from 'first principles' and 'reverse engineer' complex problems. Use 'thought experiments' to dig into the nature of things. Thought experiments make you aware about the mistakes and traps, so that you can avoid them.
a] Shane Parrish in his book, ‘The Great Mental Models: General Thinking Concepts’ talks about orders of thinking, which you can apply to be more analytical. The orders are as follows:
1. First order of thinking – it requires you to think of immediate consequences of an invention, discovery or a political event.
2. Second order of thinking – it requires you to think about consequences and impacts in long term of same inventions, discoveries or a political event.
3. Third level of thinking – it requires to think of actions and subsequent impacts and consequences of those actions. Holistic understanding and comprehensive knowledge. Mental models are a prerequisite to think precisely in this order.
b] Tools that can help you think better
1. Inversion – you use this tool by inverting the problem statement. You begin with end and trace it backwards to the beginning. For instance, instead of thinking how you can succeed, you think about in what ways you can fail. Then avoid those traps.
2. Probabilistic thinking – you use this for estimating. Think of all the dependent and independent variables and then guess the most likely outcome. For example, you can decrease risk by considerable margin, if you know about a company before investing.
3. Occam’s Razor – it is a classic principle of problem solving and logic . Essentially, it says that ‘’simpler explanations are likely to be true than complex ones’’. It requires you to focus on simpler functional explanations rather than disproving complex ones.
4. Hanlon’s Razor – to use this tool, you think of multiple explanations for a single event. It is a post- structuralist search beyond propaganda, ideology and free floating facts which hijack our minds. It promotes objectivity in your research to find truth.
Mental Models help you organise everything you read. This level of understanding helps you apply knowledge-gained quickly under all complex situations.
3] Create A cadence of Accountability
Cal Newport, associate professor of Computer Science at Georgetown University, puts emphasis on the cadence of accountability, in his book, ‘’Deep Work”. According to him, accountability not only helps you in keeping tab on progress and performance but it also helps to maintain rhythm of discipline. You can audit your progress daily, weekly or even monthly to Plan future course of your study.
Develop habit of Learncy and stay Relevant.