Education is the channel through which we learn the skills, techniques, information, and knowledge we need to know, comprehend, and respect our responsibilities to our society, families, and nation. Therefore, the magnitude of the importance of education in life is huge as well as multifold. The value of education in life is that it allows everyone to acquire a positive outlook on the world and our society.
Education assists us in acquiring and exploring new concepts. Education allows a person to gain information and boost their self-esteem. It can help you advance in your work as well as in your personal development. A well-educated person can become a valuable member of society. It assists you in making sound life decisions. Being at school is not enough if children are not learning. The quality of education remains a significant challenge with too many children not reaching minimum levels of proficiency in reading and mathematics.
The understanding of education is transforming, it’s no longer about quantitative education but the emphasis is now placed on quality education.