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The New START Treaty
Introduction Recently, the Russian President announced the suspension of the NEW START Treaty, raising concerns of the beginning of the...

Sociology | Class 11 | Sociology and Society
What is Sociology? Sociology is the study of human society as a whole. It also performs certain tasks in its field as a discipline: One...

Sociology | Class 11 | Understanding Social Institutions
Introduction We each have a status and a role, but we don't get to choose them. They are not roles that an actor might play. Social...

Goods And Service Tax: GST
Introduction Goods and Services Tax (GST) is a value-added tax (VAT) that is applied to the sale of goods and services in India. It was...

Stockholm Declaration
What is Stockholm Declaration? The Stockholm Declaration is a United Nations (UN) resolution adopted at the United Nations Conference on...

Nuclear Reactors
Introduction Nuclear energy is a type of energy that is produced through the process of nuclear fission, in which the nucleus of an atom...

Cyclones: An Explainer
What are Cyclones? Cyclones are large, low-pressure weather systems that can produce strong winds and heavy rain. They are typically...

Volcanism: An Explainer
What is Volcanism? Volcanism is the process by which magma, molten rock, and ash are erupted from a volcano. Magma is produced by the...

Treaty of Saint-Germain
Introduction The Treaty of Saint-Germain was a peace treaty signed on September 10, 1919, between the Allied Powers and Austria-Hungary....

Commercialisation of Agriculture: Colonial Period
Introduction During the colonial period, the commercialization of Indian agriculture was driven primarily by the needs and interests of...

Green Federalism
Introduction Green Federalism the most important aspects of functional federalism. It is also an incredibly difficult area for attaining...

Mental Health
Introduction Today, mental health is receiving the attention it deserves. It has been neglected for a long time, but as more and more...

Inclusive Development
Introduction Inclusive Development refers to including everyone in India's growth narrative. Growth without inclusiveness is hollow and...

Graded Response Action Plan
Introduction Worldwide, 9 out of 10 people breathe polluted air. Air pollution is among the greatest threats to human health. About 29%...

Superstition and related Criminal Activities
Introduction Superstition is typically defined as "a belief or behaviour stemming from ignorance, fear of the unknown, reliance in magic...

Non Cooperation Movement
Introduction Non-cooperation with evil is as much a duty as is cooperation with good -Mahatma Gandhi The Non-Cooperation Movement was...

National Income
Introduction National income is the value of the commodities and services produced by a nation in a given fiscal year. Thus, it is the...

Nanotechnology Sector in India
Introduction The utilisation of matter on an atomic, molecular, and supramolecular scale for industrial purposes is known as...

Regenerative Agriculture
Introduction The cornerstone of regenerative agriculture is that it not only "does no harm" to the land, but actually improves it through...

International Court of Justice
Introduction As Thucydides exemplifies in the Melian Dialogue, there is no worldwide regulatory authority that regulates state power and...

Introduction Anganwadi is a government-sponsored child-care and mother-care development programmes in India at the village level. It...

Pardoning Powers
Introduction A pardon is a mercy, forgiveness, or clemency act. The concept of pardon is a relic from a time when an omnipotent king had...

Introduction Bioterrorism is related to the military use of biological, chemical, and nuclear weapons. Biological agent attacks are among...
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