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For Aspiring Generalists
Knowledge Partner
Nanotechnology Sector in India
Introduction The utilisation of matter on an atomic, molecular, and supramolecular scale for industrial purposes is known as...
Satellite Internet
Introduction Similar to satellite TV, satellite Internet is a wireless link that spans satellite dishes that are both in orbit and on...
Research and Development
Introduction As defined in the World Bank report titled "Innovation Policy - A Guide for Developing Countries,"innovation involves the...
Space Technology and Private Investments
Introduction The Department of space wishes to encourage private companies' participation in space activities in order to increase the...
Origin of the Universe: The Big Bang Theory
Introduction The universe is a dynamic, evolving place. It is governed by cycles of matter and energy, an intricate series of physical...
Micro Plastic in Human Blood
What is Microplastic? The most common sort of marine debris in our ocean and Great Lakes is plastic. The term "microplastics" refers to...
Science And Technology During Mughal Period
Introduction Despite the slow pace of development in science and technology, there were some major achievements that took place, such as...
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