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What is Economics?
Economics is a social science concerned with the production, distribution, and consumption of goods and services. It studies how...

Data Embassies in India: The Future of Data Diplomacy and Privacy
The digital age has brought forth countless advancements that shape how we interact, conduct business, and even govern our nations. One...

State of Forest Report of India
India's natural resources include forests, which are crucial for preserving the nation's ecological balance. The Forest Survey of India...

Anatolian Plate - Turkey Earthquake
Introduction A large portion of Turkey and parts of the surrounding area are covered by the tectonic plate known as the Anatolian Plate....

Flood Governance in India
Introduction With an average of 75 million people affected by floods each year, India is one of the nations most prone to flooding in the...

Non Performing Assets (NPAs)
Introduction The Non-Performing Assets (NPAs) problem is a significant obstacle that the Indian banking system must overcome. NPAs, or...

Cut Policy in Indian Budget
What are Cut Motions? Cut motions are a tool the opposition uses to limit government spending in the political and economic context of...

Rare Earth Elements
Introduction The rare earth elements are all metals, and the group is commonly known as the "rare earth metals." Due to their comparable...

Central Asia Regional Economic Cooperation
Introduction According to Asian Development Bank (ADB) ’s working paper, the Central Asia Regional Economic Cooperation (CAREC) region...

The Green Deal Investment Plan
Introduction In an effort to encourage and grow its green economy, the European Union recently unveiled the "Green Deal Industrial...

The New START Treaty
Introduction Recently, the Russian President announced the suspension of the NEW START Treaty, raising concerns of the beginning of the...

Geographical Indications
What are Geographical Indications? The term "geographical indication" (GI) refers to a type of intellectual property that identifies a...

Cyber Security Policy of India
The National Cyber Security Policy of India was first implemented in 2013, with the intention of establishing a trustworthy and protected...

Boston Tea Party
The Boston Tea Party is a pivotal event in American history that took place in Boston Harbor on December 16, 1773. It is also known as...

Is Matter Around Us Pure? - Class 9 Science Notes
Introduction How do we define pure? The use of word ‘Pure’ in science means that all the constituent particles of a substance are the...

Atoms and Molecules - Class 9 Science Notes
Laws of Chemical Combination Antoine L. Lavoisier laid the foundation of chemical sciences by establishing two important Laws of Chemical...

Structure of Atoms - Class 9 Science Notes
Introduction Matter is made up of fundamental building blocks, that is atoms and molecules. The existence of different kinds of matter is...

Tissues - Class 9 Science Notes
Introduction In unicellular organisms, a single cell performs all basic functions such as ingestion, digestion, absorption, reproduction,...

Diversity in Living Organism - Class 9 Science Notes
Introduction - Each organism is different from the other to a lesser or greater extent. - On one hand we have microscopic bacteria of a...

Fundamental Unit of Life - Class 9 Science Notes
Introduction What is a cell? A cell is considered as the building block of life. All living organisms are composed of these microscopic...

Motion - Class 9 Science Notes
Introduction Rest: A body is said to be in a state of rest when its position does not change with respect to a reference point. Motion: A...

Forces and Laws of Motion- Class 9 Science Notes
Introduction Force can be called as a push or pull on the object that enables us to do any work. For example in order to open the door we...

Gravitation - Class 9 Science Notes
Introduction What is Gravitational Force? Every object in the universe is attracting every other object of the universe. The force of...

Work and Energy - Class 9 Science Notes
The energy required for the life process comes from food. Activities like playing, singing, reading, writing, thinking, jumping, cycling...
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