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Class 11 History Notes

From The Beginning Of Time | Class 11 History Notes
The chapter introduces students to the origins of human beings and to the story of human evolution. The chapter makes a contrast between...

Writing and City Life | Class 11 History
The chapter introduces students to Mesopotamian culture, geography etc. It also enlists the development and the importance of writing. We...

An Empire Across Three Continents | Class 11 History
The chapter introduces students to one of the greatest empires: The Roman Empire, here we understand the geographical & political history...

The Central Islamic Lands | Class 11 History Notes
The chapter introduces students to the origins and the founder of Islam: Prophet Muhammed. It also enlists the major Islamic sects and...

Nomadic Empires | Class 11 History Notes
The chapter introduces students to the great empires in the Euro-Asian continent. The chapter explains their vast political and social...

The Three Orders | Class 11 History
The chapter introduces the students to the three orders or the three social categories: Christian priests, landowning nobles and...

Changing Cultural Traditions | Class 11 History
The chapter introduces students to European history and specifically the Renaissance that talks about the cultural shift. We also...

Confrontations of Cultures | Class 11 History
The chapter introduces students to the state systems of central and south America. The chapter also talks about various civilisations...

The Industrial Revolution | Class 11 History
The chapter introduces students to the industrial revolution that happened in Britain during the 1780s and 1850s. The chapter talks about...

Displacing Indigenous Peoples | Class 11 History Notes
The chapter introduces students to the times when colonisation in America began. It also talks about the Australian territories and the...

Paths To Modernisation | Class 11 History
The chapter Introduces students to the era of Chinese dominance in the East-Asian region. The chapter also talks about the role of...
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