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Red-tapism is overregulation or rigorous adherence to formal regulations that are deemed superfluous and bureaucratic and obstructs action or decision-making. In other words, these are onerous rules that offer little value. It entails excessive paperwork, the acquisition of permits, the approval of a decision by several persons or committees, and a variety of low-level laws that make doing one's affairs slower and more complex.

The problem may have partly to do with the rigid structure of our bureaucracy.

Red Tapism's Consequences:

Citizen contentment: Indeed, red tape has a detrimental effect on citizen satisfaction. Citizens continue to be unsatisfied with government processing delays and associated costs. The majority of the time, citizen complaints go unaddressed owing to red tape, creating a sense of distrust in the government's procedures.

Implementation of a scheme: Every new government initiative encounters barriers in the form of red tape, which eventually suffocates the greater aim for which it was created. Delays in the transfer of funds, a lack of sufficient monitoring, and so on are all common difficulties linked with red tape that contribute to the ineffectiveness of programmes. Each new scheme encounters roadblocks in the form of red tape—and ultimately fails to accomplish the larger objective for which it was launched! That is why, despite the fact that numerous new schemes have been launched by numerous government and private initiatives, they have failed to achieve their larger goals—due to roadblocks.

Corruption: According to World Bank research, the more red tape there is, the more corruption there is. By disrupting the regular flow of business, bureaucracy invariably generates corruption and retards growth. Paying a bribe to expedite the processing of a procedure is a classic example of corruption related to red tape.

The increased cost of doing business: Red tape is expensive, not just in terms of time and money spent on filling out papers, but also in terms of decreased productivity and creativity in business. This is especially difficult for small enterprises and may even dissuade individuals from starting their own.

Governance: Due to red tape, inconsistent contract enforcement and delayed administration result in delayed justice, particularly for the poor. Many people are unable to exercise their rights due to the load of red tape regulations, which results in delayed governance and distribution of social measures. For instance, delayed wage payments under MGNREGA impair the poor's ability to get benefits on time.


Reforming laws: Administrative burden reduction should be a component of good lawmaking. This objective also contributes to the development of more accountable and service-oriented administrative cultures. For instance, the Insolvency and Bankruptcy Code has aided in the reduction of red tape associated with a business unit's insolvency, thereby improving overall business sentiment. Additionally, numerous superfluous laws have been repealed, propelling India to a better position on the World Bank's Ease of Doing Business index.

Governments must also consider how to incorporate subnational levels of government into the administrative simplification and regulatory quality processes. Administrative simplification efforts have primarily targeted regulations promulgated by the central government. Lower levels of government, on the other hand, can be held accountable for significant administrative burdens and requirements imposed on businesses and citizens.

Reduce paperwork: Digitalisation has already accelerated the delivery of many government services. It is a step toward reducing red tape. Capacity development in information technology and communications is required at all levels of government, from top to bottom. For instance, the government established the National Investment Promotion and Facilitation Agency, or Invest India, to assist investors in reducing red tape. Another example of this type of initiative is paperless green clearance, which reduces paperwork and is more environmentally friendly.

Development of skills: Some officials lack the necessary skills to expedite government processing. It is critical to properly train them on the subjects and to hire qualified individuals.

Incentives: A large number of lower-level government employees (Group-C and Group D) are underpaid. They are unmotivated to work efficiently. Efforts must be made to recognise employees for their hard work and to penalise those who do not perform at a high level of efficiency on a timely basis.


Red tape thwarts good governance and economic progress in the country. This results in the development of a culture of corruption and inefficiency. Efforts must be made to simplify rules and regulations, with a particular emphasis on reducing delays in the way government employees work.


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